Paintings for Sale

Due to renovation of our apartment building, it will be necessary for us to move out for 3 months in the near future.  Therefore, I have decided to put on sale all 16 x 20" paintings for a price of $165 each with free shipping.  If interested  contact me via email.   [email protected]

In the Park
16" x 20"

Sioux Indians
35" x 26"

Keys at Sunset
24" x 18"

24" x 18"

Mountain Man
24" x 20"

Egrets in triptic

 Baby Cheetahs
Frame w/mat
40" x 24"

New Mexico Mountains 
56"  x  24"

16" x 20"
For sale on EBAY

Opera house in Julliette
24"x 18"

Woman with her dog
23" x  36"

Josephine Baker
24" x30"

16" x 20"

Civil War
16" x 20"

Port in Copenhagen
20" x 24"

African Bongos
38" x 16"

At the Lake
30" x 24"

Fishing on Flint River
30" x 24"

Belly     Dancer     
20" x 24"

Holiday& the Earps
18" x 24"

Boat at Dock
18" x 24"

Chinese Junk
20" x 24"

3 famous composers

Highway Men
24" x 24

Pueblo Indians
17" x 21"

Paul Gaugin
 on burlap
17" x 21"

Having a Glass of Wine in Paris
20" x 24"

Tom Petty
16" x 20"

Lili St Cyr
Burlesque Dancer
16" x 20"

Girls Can Do It Too

Lighthouse on the Rocks
16" x 20"

Woman in a Hat
16" x 20"

16" x 20"

Windmill in Holland

Oriental Nude

Farmhouse16" x 20"    

Old Junk
24" x 18"

Banks Lake
35" x 24"

18" x 24"

24" x 30"

Stevie Wonder


Abandoned Boat
24" x 30"

Tupac ShakurIte116" x 20"